Walkthrough of the new Achievement forms

Click on this link for the State 4-H page that is a general overview of the new Achievements

Achievement forms by 4-H age (age on Dec 31st of that 4-H year)

Primary members (ages 5-8)

Primary 4-H’ers should use the Primary Basic Personal Development Report (click on link to see the form), not the iSprout version. If you were in multiple projects, you may include extra copies of the page for Section 2.

Primary members may also earn pins using the Alameda County Primary Completion form. (There is a statewide achievement program for Primaries called iSprout, but our club does not currently offer it.

Junior Members (4-H age 9-10)

You will start with Spark Achievements. The Spark Achievements program consists of four pins. You may earn any number of pins in a year, but you may not move on to Emerald Stars until you are an Intermediate Member.

Intermediate Members (4-H age 11-13)

If you have earned at least a Bronze Star under the old (Historic) achievement system, you may either continue working on achievements under the old system or you may begin with Emerald Stars. Otherwise, you will need to earn all four Spark Achievement pins before moving on to Emerald Stars.

The Emerald Stars program consists of two levels. You may earn multiple Achievements in the same year, but you may not begin work on Impact Stars until you are a Senior Member.

Senior Members (4-H age 14-18)

Basically the same as for Intermediate Members, but you only need to earn one Spark Achievement pin in order to move on to Emerald Stars. If you worked on Spark Achievements as a Junior or Intermediate member and have not yet earned all four pins (but have earned at least one), you may also move on to Emerald Stars. Following the completion of Emerald Star II, you may move on to Impact Stars.

The Impact Stars program consists of four levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, not to be confused with the “Historic” Star Ranks). You may only earn one Impact Star per program year; the Bronze Impact Star may be earned in the same year as earlier Achievements if time and circumstances allow.

Sample pages for the Achievements

Spark Achievements

Spark Achievements are for Junior 4-H members (age 9-11) and NEW 4-H members. You can continue to work on your Spark form after you become an Intermediate member, and when you earn all 4 Spark pins, you can start on Emerald Star 1.

You can also click on this link to see more sample Spark pages

Emerald Stars

In order to work on your Emerald Stars, the member should fall into one of the following categories:
a) be an Intermediate or Senior member who earned a Historic Bronze Star or higher
b) be an Intermediate member with all 4 Spark pins
c) be a Senior member with at least 1 Spark pin.

The Emerald Stars program consists of two levels. You may earn multiple Achievements in the same year, but you may not begin work on Impact Stars until you are a Senior Member.

You can see a sample Emerald Star I and II at this link.

Impact Stars

In order to work on Impact Stars, the member must be a Senior who has earned Emerald Star 2.

Following the completion of Emerald Star II, you may move on to Impact Stars. The Impact Stars program consists of four levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, not to be confused with the “Historic” Star Ranks). You may only earn one Impact Star per program year; the Bronze Impact Star may be earned in the same year as earlier Achievements if time and circumstances allow.

You can see a sample Impact Star form at this link.